Why Do I Still Have Crows Feet After Botox?

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Crows feet, those pesky wrinkles that show up at the outer corners of your eyes when you smile, are a common concern for many people. Treatment options include creams, lasers, and injectables like Botox. But what if you’ve had Botox and your crows feet are still there?

There are a few possible reasons for this. First, it’s important to understand how Botox works. It’s a muscle relaxer that temporarily paralyzes the muscles that cause wrinkles.

So if your crows feet are still there after Botox, it may be because the muscles have not been completely paralyzed.

Crow’s feet, those pesky wrinkles that show up at the corners of your eyes when you smile, are one of the most common complaints we hear from patients considering Botox. “Why do I still have crow’s feet after Botox?” they ask. Here’s what you need to know about this very common question.

First, it’s important to understand that Botox is not a miracle wrinkle-eraser. It’s a temporary solution that can help smooth out lines and wrinkles for a few months at a time. So if you’re looking for a long-term fix, Botox is not the answer.

That said, there are a few reasons why you might still see crow’s feet after getting Botox injections. One possibility is that your injector didn’t place the product in just the right spot. This is often true for first-time Botox users who don’t yet have an experienced injector.

Another possibility is that your muscles are particularly strong in that area and require more product to achieve results. If you’re concerned aboutcrow’s feet after Botox, talk to your injector about your concerns. They may be able to adjust your treatment plan or recommend other options such as fillers or laser treatments to help improve the appearance of wrinkles around your eyes.

How to have Anti-wrinkle injections to your Crow’s Feet without looking Weird!

Why is Botox Not Working on My Crows Feet?

There are many reasons why Botox may not be working on your crows feet. It could be that the muscles in your crows feet are too strong for Botox to have an effect, or it could be that the Botox is not being injected into the correct muscles. Additionally, it is possible that you are not using enough Botox, or that you are using it too frequently.

Finally, it is also possible that your body is metabolizing the Botox too quickly. If you are concerned about why Botox is not working on your crows feet, you should consult with a certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist who can help determine the cause and provide guidance on how to improve the efficacy of Botox treatments. Talk to your doctor about other options that may be available to you or you may contact Imperial Aesthetics for a better solution.

How Long Before Botox Works on Crows Feet?

If you’re considering getting Botox to help with crow’s feet, you may be wondering how long it will take for the treatment to work. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person, so it’s important to consult with a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon who can assess your individual needs and give you realistic expectations. In general, Botox usually starts to work within 3-5 days after injection, and the full effects are typically visible within 2 weeks.

So if you’re looking for immediate results, Botox may not be the right option for you. However, if you’re willing to wait a few days for the treatment to take effect, Botox can be an effective way to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet.

What Helps Botox After Crows Feet?

When it comes to Botox, crow’s feet are one of the most popular areas to treat. But what can you do to make sure your Botox lasts as long as possible? Here are a few tips:

1. Avoid rubbing your eyes. This can cause Botox to spread and weaken its effects.

2. Sleep on your back.

Sleeping on your side or stomach can put pressure on the areas around your eyes and cause crow’s feet to worsen over time.

3. Use sunscreen religiously. UV rays can break down the collagen in your skin, leading to wrinkles and sagging skin – including crow’s feet.

So be sure to apply sunscreen every day, even if you’re just staying indoors.

4. Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water helps keep your skin plump and hydrated, which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles – including crow’s feet.

Can Botox Cause Crows Feet?

Although Botox is most commonly associated with reducing the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead, it can also be used to treat crow’s feet. Crow’s feet are wrinkles that form on the outer corners of your eyes and can make you look tired or aged. Botox works by temporarily paralyzing the muscles in your face.

This relaxes the muscles and reduces wrinkling. It usually takes about three to four days for the full effect of Botox to kick in, and results typically last for three to four months. There are some potential side effects of Botox, including bruising, redness, swelling and headaches.

However, these side effects are generally mild and temporary. There’s also a small risk that Botox could spread beyond the injection site and cause muscle weakness or paralysis in other parts of your body. Overall, Botox is considered a safe and effective treatment for crow’s feet.

If you’re considering getting Botox for this purpose, be sure to consult with a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon who has experience performing this procedure.

Why Do I Still Have Crows Feet After Botox?

Credit: goldenbergdermatology.com

Chipmunk Cheeks After Botox

If you’re considering getting Botox, you may be wondering about potential side effects. One common side effect is called “chipmunk cheeks.” This happens when the muscles around your mouth are temporarily paralyzed, causing your cheeks to look puffy.

Don’t worry, though – this usually goes away within a few days. In the meantime, you can try using ice packs or wearing loose-fitting clothing to help reduce the swelling.

Botox Crows Feet Affect Smile

Most people don’t realize that the muscles around your eyes are connected to the muscles in your face. This is why Botox can have such a profound effect on your smile. When you get crows feet, the lines that form at the corners of your eyes can make you look like you’re not really smiling – even when you are.

The good news is that Botox can help smooth out those lines and help you regain your natural smile. Botox works by relaxing the muscles around your eyes. This prevents them from contracting and forming those telltale lines.

The results are usually pretty dramatic, and you’ll see a noticeable difference within a few days after treatment. And since the effects of Botox last for several months, you won’t have to worry about those crows feet coming back anytime soon!

Botox Shelf Eyes

Botox is a very popular cosmetic treatment that can be used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. It is most commonly injected into the forehead, around the eyes and mouth. Botox works by temporarily paralyzing the muscles that cause wrinkles.

Botox injections are usually given every three to six months. The effects of Botox typically last for three to four months. However, over time, the muscle paralysis caused by Botox can become permanent.

This is why it is important to consult with a qualified physician before receiving any type of injectable cosmetic treatments, including Botox.


The person writing this blog post has had Botox done in the past, but still has crows feet. They are wondering why this is and whether or not it is normal. Botox works by temporarily paralyzing the muscles in your face.

This can help to smooth out wrinkles and give you a more youthful appearance. However, it is important to remember that Botox is not a permanent solution. The effects will typically last for 3-6 months before you need to have another treatment.

There are several reasons why you may still have crows feet after getting Botox injections. One possibility is that your injector didn’t place the product correctly. Another possibility is that your facial muscles are simply too strong for the amount of product that was used.

In either case, it’s important to talk to your doctor about what can be done to improve the results of your Botox treatments.

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